Directions and GPS Coordinates
GPS Coordinates:
- Trail Access at Route 140 in Tilton
- Trail Access @ Northfield N 43o 26.483’ W 070 o 35.669’
- Access on Crossmill Road N 43o 26.538’ W 071 o 37.293’
- Trestle View Park in Franklin N 43o 26.718’ W 071 o 37.293’
Directions: The trail currently begins at Trestle View Park on Central Street in Franklin and runs to Route 140 in Tilton. The are trail access sites along the trail including in Northfield and at Cross Mills Road in Franklin
Description: This five-mile pedestrian / biking trail links Tilton, Northfield and Franklin along the Winnipesaukee River. The trail affords views of the Winnepesaukee River including a spectacular view of a gorge frequently used for whitewater kayaking. The area contains many historic and cultural sites including an old railroad trestle, the Sulphite Bridge ( an upside down railroad bridge on the National Register of Historic Sites, remains of old paper mills).
Viewing Information: Bike or walk this trail to explore a variety of rich riparian habitat including cattail wetlands, a beaver pond and tumbling water. Look for evidence of beaver activity as well as raccoon, mink and otter. The river provides a variety of summer homes for belted kingfishers, tree swallows, bank swallows, song sparrows, gray catbirds, common yellowthroats, red-eyed vireos and many more. A variety of waterfowl including mergansers, wood ducks and mallards may also be seen. Keep your eyes out for the occasional bald eagle or osprey.